
This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  FontArk-editor 6 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #6819

    It’s as simple as it sounds. The symbol “@” will not show up in the editor, even if I load a new project. Does anyone here have an explanation for this?

  • #6820

    Yes, The @ wasn’t included in the default characters set,
    You can add it quite simply to any project though…
    On the lower left side of the editor you’ll find a “Glyphs” label, clicking it will open the glyphs dialog, in the ‘Character code’ field in it you can type any character’s Unicode value, than click “ADD” and the character will be added to your project’s characters set.

    The ‘@’ Unicode value is: U+0040

    This video shows how to add characters and work with accented characters:

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