January 15’s update…


Enhanced curves scaling 

A significant improvement to the way curves scales when changing the Matrix’s proportions.The new behavior maximize characters scale range without loosing curves consistency, even in different Matrix scales (Upper case and lower case letters).

With this major improvement, stretching and shrinking the font’s proportions is done while the characters curves adjusts relatively in real-time. There is no need any more to manually fix characters curves after changing font proportions!


Fill mode

You can now toggle between Wire frame and Solid black character view in the work area. The new view gives a better visual reference while designing.


Watch the new features works in this short video…


[videoembed type=”youtube” ratio=”sixteen_by_nine” url=”http://youtu.be/pOpInEwU2I0″ id=”video_0″]


Enjoy type design

FontArk editor


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